The statement below should be understood as a clarifying expression of Moose Lake Gospel Camp’s belief with respect to gender, marriage, and sexuality. Although this statement may be used to inform future policies and procedures, it is not intended to be legally binding or enforceable on its own. While the MLGC holds these beliefs deeply, it recognizes that they may not be universally shared or accepted, and the MLGC board affirms the right of individuals to hold their own beliefs and values. This statement is intended solely as a means of expressing with others MLGC collective belief on gender, marriage, and sexuality.

Christianity is central to the vision, mission, and values of Moose Lake Gospel Camp. (MLGC). Despite a rapidly changing socio-political environment, MLGC intends our behaviour and activities to be conducted in accordance with the Bible, our Statement of Faith, and our stated Vision, Mission, and Values.

MLGC upholds traditional Christian beliefs concerning gender, marriage, and sexuality.

As such, we believe:

  • that God creates each person as male or female (Genesis 1:27);

  • that marriage is an exclusive relationship between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24); and,

  • that all intimate sexual activity should take place within the marriage relationship (1 Corinthians 7:2).

MLGC further upholds Jesus' commandment to love one another (Matthew 22:39) by recognizing the inherent dignity of all persons. For by doing so, MLGC will ensure MLGC is a safe and caring environment for Campers and Staff.